Ubuntu 18.04 and CouchBaseOriginally known as Membase, is an open-source, distributed (shared-nothing architecture) multi-model NoSQL document-oriented database…Jun 1, 2021Jun 1, 2021
Hadoop 3.2.1 on Ubuntu 18.04 on Oracle VM VirtualboxHadoop is a tool to distribute systems. Here we will be using it to set up a 3 node system, one master and 2 slaves.Jun 1, 2021Jun 1, 2021
LoopBack — Uploading/Downloading FilesLets try to get a loopback api that allows for upload and download of files.Apr 20, 2021Apr 20, 2021
LoopBack — Adding AuthenticationThis time we will be adding authentication to a simple loopback todo api.Apr 15, 2021Apr 15, 2021
LoopBack — MongoDB ToDoWe will be making an API that will use MongoDB for its database.Apr 14, 2021Apr 14, 2021
LoopBack — NodeJS A ToDo APIBuilding an API isn’t something that takes a lot of time, but if you are doing it a lot, there is a lot of boiler code that starts to be…Apr 14, 2021Apr 14, 2021
Swagger UI for NodeJS APISwagger UI is a common way of exposing your API in a human friendly way.Apr 11, 20211Apr 11, 20211
NodeJS setTimeout() EOLThere are times when we need to delay something in node.Mar 31, 2021Mar 31, 2021